Map of the Sippo Valley Trail


Sippo Valley Trail

Sippo Valley Trail Ohio map area

Sippo Valley Trail


9.4 miles


paved / unpaved


Dalton, Masillon


rail trail, Ohio countryside, rural communities, woodlands, farmland


Ohio and Erie Canal Towpath Trail & Congressman Ralph Regula Towpath Trail


Ohio to Erie Trail

Regional Trails

The Sippo Valley Trail is a 9.4-mile long paved and unpaved pathway that spans between Dalton and Massillon in Northeastern Ohio. The trail goes through Wayne County and Stark County.

The Sippo Valley Trail is a section of the Ohio to Erie Trail which is a system of designated trails and roadways that stretches between Cincinnati and Cleveland.


The Sippo Valley Trail has paved and unpaved sections. The unpaved sections have a surface of compacted crushed stone and may not be suitable for all types of bikes. The trail is open for bike riding, walking and running.


The Sippo Valley Trail goes past the following communities: Dalton and Masillon.

Points of Interest

The Sippo Valley Trail goes past the following points of interest:

Dalton High School
Lincoln Park
Bottoms Ball Fields
Nearby Trails

Ohio and Erie Canal Towpath Trail  and Congressman Ralph Regula Towpath Trail: the trails come within blocks of each other at the east end of the Sippo Valley Trail in Massillon.

End Points

The west end of the Sippo Valley Trail is located at the north end of N. Freet Street in Dalton.

The east end of the trail is located at 6th Street NW and Water Avenue in Massillon.


Following are links to official off-site resources to find out more details about the Sippo Valley Trail in Northeastern Ohio.