Map of bike paths / walking paths in the area


Recreational trails for walking, running and cycling in Lima, Ohio

Lima, Ohio map area

Lima, Ohio

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Ferguson Reservoir Trail

Heritage Park Trail

Ottowa River Bikeway


Regional Trails

Lima is located in Northwestern Ohio, about 75 miles southwest of Toledo. The city is situated on the Ottawa River and is surrounded by Ohio farmland.

Ottawa River Bikeway

The Ottawa River Bikeway is a system of paved pathways that follow alongside the river throughout much of Lima. There are over 8 miles of paved pathways within the system of trails.The trail connects local parks and residential neighborhoods.

The southwest end of the Ottawa River Bikeway is located at Heritage Park on Shawanee Road and Reed Road. The trail then heads north to follow alongside Ft. Amanda Road and wrap around Lima Park and Industry Park. from there, the trail follows alongside the river to the southeast of Downtown Lima. 

The trail goes past Spartan Stadium and a branch of the trail heads up to the lake at Schoonover Park. The main trail heads to the east and takes a loop around Ottawa Metro Park off of Ada Road.


Following are links to official off-site resources to find out more details about the recreational trails located in Lima, Ohio.

Individual Maps for Recreational Trails in Ohio

Below is a list of links to our maps for specific recreational trails in the State of Ohio.

Statewide Ohio