
Map of bike and pedestrian trails in Peoria, IL


Recreational trails for walking, running and cycling in Peoria, Illinois

Peoria, Illinois map area

Peoria, Illinois

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Pekin Park District Trail

Riverfront Trail

River Trail of Illinois

Rock Island Trail



Regional Trails

Peoria is located in Peoria County in Central Illinois. The city is situated along Upper Peoria Lake and the Illinois River.

Two regional trails pass through the Peoria area, the Rock Island Trail and the Illinois River Trail.

Rock Island Trail

The Rock Island Trail is a 37-mile long paved and unpaved pathway that extends from the riverfront area of Peoria to the community of Toulon. The trail was constructed along an abandoned railroad tight-of-way and has gentle grades. The route of the trail goes through urban areas, past residential areas, across farmland and natural areas, over several picturesque bridges and through several rural communities.

The trail is open for non-motorized uses such as bike riding, running and walking. The northerly portions of the trail are not paved, but the portion within the Peoria area, south of N. Atlantic Street in Alta, is paved. The trail is not continuous and in some locations trail users will need to use local streets to get from one section to the next.

The Rock Island Trail goes through the following Illinois communities: Toulon, Wyoming, Princeville, Dunlap and Peoria.

Read more about the Rock Island Trail

River Trail of Illinois

The River Trail of Illinois is a 9-mile long paved pathway on the southeast side of Peoria. The trail extends from the riverfront at William Kumpf Boulevard in East Peoria to the north end of the community of Morton.

Pekin Park District Trail

The Pekin Park District Trail is a 3-mile long paved pathway located in the community of Pekin to the south of Peoria. The Trail spans between the Illinois River near the Margaret Street bridge to Allentown Road.


Following are links to official off-site resources to find out more details about the recreational trails located in Peoria, Illinois.

Individual Maps for Recreational Trails in Illinois

Here is a list of links to the individual maps for specific recreational trails in the State of Illinois.

