
Map of bike paths / walking paths in the area around Park City, UT


Recreational trails for walking, running and cycling in Park City, Utah

Park City, Utah map area

Park City, Utah

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Deer Valley Drive Multi-Use Path

East 224 Connector Trail

Highland Drive Multi-Use Trail

Historic Union Pacific Rail Trail

Matt Knoop Memorial Park Trail

McLeod Creek Trail

Park Avenue Multi-Use Path

Park City Sports Complex Trail

Promontory Ranch Trail

Willow Creek Loop Trail

Millennium Trail

Rasmussen Road Multi-Use Trail

Silver Creek Trail

Silver Summit Parkway Multi-Use Trail

Silver Quinns Trail

Trailside Park Trail

Willow Creek Park Trail


Salt Lake City



Park City is located in the Wasatch mountain range 40 miles to the east of Salt Lake City. Park City started as a mining town but is now a world class ski area and resort.Its proximity to the cities in the Salt Lake City Metro area makes it a great place to getaway and enjoy the natural scenery of the Wasatch Mountains all year round.

This area has a large network of recreational trails for getting about on foot or on a bike. The trails stretch from the base of the ski area to Summit Park and as far north as the community of Echo along interstate 84. Many of these trails follow alongside the major roadways, others wander through the local neighborhoods and parks.

Millennium Trail

The Millenium Trail is a 7.5-mile long paved pathway that spans between the community of Summit Park and Sun Peak Drive in Park City. The northwestern portion of the trail follows alongside Interstate 80 from Summit Park to Kimball Junction. The southern portion of the trail follows alongside Highway 224. The trail connects to other bike/walking paths along the way. The Millennium Trail connects to the mutli-use paths along Park Avenue.

Historic Union Pacific Rail Trail

The Historic Union Pacific Rail Trail is a 28-mile long mostly unpaved pathway that spans between the interchange between Interstates 84 and 80 to the base of the ski areas in Park City. The trail follows the routh of an abandoned railroad right-of-way and runs alongside Interstate 80 to the north of Park City. The trail has an unpaved surface except for the southern 2 miles within Park City and is not suitable for all types of bicycles.

The Historic Union Pacific Rail Trail starts at the entry to Echo Canyon and goes past Echo Reservoir. The trail heads south through the valley and passes the rural communities of Coalville, Hoytsville and Wanship. North of Park City, the trail heads to the south away from the interstate and travels through the wetlands of Silver Creek. The south end of the Historic Union Pacific Rail Trail is located along Bonanza Drive to the north of Iron Horse Drive in Park City.

Read more about the Historic Union Pacific Rail Trail


Following are links to official off-site resources to find out more details about the recreational trails for bike riding, running and walking located in Park City, Utah.

Individual Maps for Recreational Trails in Utah

Below is a list of links to our maps for specific recreational trails in the State of Utah.

