Map of bike paths / walking paths in the Eagle, Gypsum & Dotsero area


Recreational trails for walking, running and cycling in Eagle, Gypsum & Dotsero, Colorado

Eagle & Gypsum, Colorado map area

Eagle, Gypsum & Dotsero, Colorado

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Eagle Valley Recreational Trails

Town of Eagle Trails

Town of Gypsum Trails

Glenwood Canyon Recreation Trail



Glenwood Canyon

Regional Trails

The towns of Eagle, Gypsum and Dotsero are located in Eagle County along Interstate 70 between Glenwood Springs and Vail. The Town of Eagle is the county seat.

The three towns are located along State Highway 6 and the Eagle Valley Regional Trail has two completed sections along Highway 6. The Town of Eagle has an expansive system of paved pathways for bike riding and pedestrian use that wrap around the residential and commercial areas of the town. Gypsum has a number of paved pathways for getting about the town as well. The Town of Dotsero has a 1.64-mile long unpaved pathway around Dotsero Ponds. The Glenwood Canyon Recreation Trail spans between Dotsero and Glenwood Springs.

ECO Trails & Eagle Valley Regional Trail

ECO Trails is a partnership within Eagle County which oversees the multi-use recreational trail system through the Eagle River Valley. This partnership includes the towns of Gypsum, Eagle, Avon, Vail, Red Cliff and Minturn. There are 63 miles of paved multi-use trails within the system. These trails are open for bike riding, walking and running and provide a way to commute between the various towns as well as a recreational opportunity. The system of trail is referred to as the Eagle Valley Regional Trail.

The Eagle Valley Regional Trails are situated alongside State Highway 6 for the most part and exist in several separate sections. Cyclists will be required to use State Highway 6 to connect to the various developed paved pathways.

A 2.4-mile long section of the Eagle Valley Regional Trail lies within Eagle and a 4.5-mile long section lies between the Town of Gypsum and the Town of Dotsero.

Glenwood Canyon Recreation Path

The Glenwood Canyon Recreation Path is a 16.3 mile long paved pathway that follows alongside the Colorado River through Glenwood Canyon in Western Colorado. The western end of the trail is located in Glenwood Springs and the eastern end is located to the west of Dotsero which is 4.5-miles from the western end of the Eagle Valley Regional Trail. The eastern end of the Glenwood Canyon Recreation Trail can be reached by travelling along the frontage road on the north side of Interstate 70 from the Dotsero exit. A trailhead with parking and a restroom is located at the eastern end of the trail.

The Glenwood Canyon Recreation Path connects the rest areas along Interstate 70 and has beautiful views of the dramatic limestone cliffs of the narrow canyon and the powerful Colorado River flowing to the west. The trail also goes past the hiking trail to Hanging Lake. Many of the trail users are people that use the rest stops along Glenwood Canyon and want to take some time to see the majestic canyon.

Read more about the Glenwood Canyon Recreation Path


Following are links to official off-site resources to find out more details about the recreational trails located in Eagle, Gypsum and Dotsero, Colorado.

Southwest Colorado