Map of the Recreational Trails in Vacaville


Recreational Trails in Vacaville

Vacaville, California map area

Vacaville, California

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Alamo Creek Bike Trail

Centennial Park Trail

Lagoon Valley Park Trail

Southside Bikeway

Ulatis Creek Trail



Vacaville is located 22 miles to the northeast of Vallejo in Central California. The city is tucked up against the hills of the eastern sides of the Coast Range and lies between Sacramento and Vallejo along Interstate 80.

Alamo Creek Bike Trail

The Alamo Creek Bike Trail is a 4.4-mile long paved pathway that wanders through the natural areas of Alamo Creek as it meanders through the southern portion of Vacaville. The trail spans between Marshall Road and Elmira Road. the Alamo Creek Bike Trail goes past the Walter Grham Aquatic Center, Three Oaks Community Center, Eugene Padan Elementary School, Padan Park, Beeland Park, Nelson Park and Patwin Park.

The Alamo Creek Bike Trail intersects the Southside Bikeway to the south of Marshall Road.


Following are links to official off-site resources to find out more details about the recreational trails in Vacaville in Central California.

Individual Maps for Recreational Trails in Central California

Below is a list of links to the individual maps for specific recreational trails in Central California.

Many additional recreational trails are displayed on the maps for each city or county